Safety is a top priority at ECT. Strict safety rules are in force at all ECT locations, covering ECT employees as well as external workers, suppliers and visitors. Training programmes make the employees aware of the safety risks they face and how to best minimise them.
Visitors must take a safety test prior to their visit to one of the ECT terminals. This test can be made via
All activities at the ECT terminals are carried out according to clear, well-defined procedures and the terminal’s equipment is regularly inspected. It is the conviction of ECT that safe operations are the basis of contiuously improving service and performance.
All ECT locations have around the clock security to prevent cargo theft and other criminal acts. The terminals are surrounded by fences, equipped with surveillance cameras and patrolled by security guards. Access to the terminals is tightly controlled and separate authorisation is needed for access to the offices and other buildings.
ECT is in full compliance with the global ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) of the International Maritime Organisation that is designed to protect ports and ships against terrorism. ECT is also a participant in the US C-TPAT programme (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism), which serves a similar purpose.
Customs has awarded ECT the status of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO). As an AEO-qualified company, ECT meets strict requirements regarding the security of sites and buildings, the solvency of the company as well as adherence to strict procedures and regulations. The AEO qualification process is an extensive procedure which is governed by European guidelines.